Category Archives: Money Making

How to Add a Custom Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog

Hey guys,

I have had quite a few people ask me how to add a custom optin popup on a website or blog and have it effectively work, so I have created a short video with some additional screenshots that shows exactly how you can do this.

I’m sure we all know the importance of building a list, but just in case you don’t, take it from me, it’s VERY important! It’s also important to utilize every bit of traffic you receive to your website/blog, so if you have an optin form that is not grabbing subscribers attention, then that’s nearly as bad as not having one at all.

It really is very simple if you take my advice and use the Aweber method, also, once you have done it once you can use that template for other lists so it’s even easier.

I also managed to get a great deal for my subscribers only on a Super High Quality Image to attract those all important subscribers.

The reason I used a very large high quality image was quite simply to attract more subscribers, plus it is a lot harder to miss 🙂

Go and take a look at the video and see just how simple it is, please reply to the post if you found it useful.



How to Add an Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog

Links mentioned in video:

Aweber Autoresponder – Absolute essential if you want to succeed online!

GFX-1 Graphics – This is a special link for a high quality optin graphic, but there are many other great graphics on there, I use ‘Steve’ at GFX-1 for just about everything! Continue reading How to Add a Custom Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog

And The $100 Winner Is…

Hey Guys,

First let me say a huge thanks for all of you that shared your 2010 highlights with me.
I really enjoyed reading and replying to the comments, and mostly getting to know you a little more!
I thought I would create a little personal video of me doing the draw for the winner, I thought it would be more exciting 🙂

You’ll have to watch the video to find out if you were the winner, don’t worry, it’s only 3 minutes long!

And The $100 Winner Is...

Please feel free to reply and I’ll personally get back to you.
Thanks again, and a big CONGRATULATIONS to the winner, I have just sent you an email 🙂



Highlights of 2010 and $100 Gift for YOU!

Hey guys,

So 2010 is nearly over, phew! What a year it has been!
I’m going to run through a few of the highlights of the year for me personally and let you know what I have been up to, just in case you missed something.

Highlights of 2010Take a look at my personal highlights, and as kind of a ‘thank you’ for being a loyal subscriber of mine, and as it’s Christmas, I’m going to give $100 to one lucky person chosen at random from all the people who reply to this post with YOUR personal number 1 highlight of the year!

So just hit reply and let me know your number 1 marketing highlight of 2010 and you’re instantly in the draw for $100 cash.

OK, so here are my personal highlights of 2010:

January 2010 – After the MASSIVE success of our Multi Profit Websites launch late 2009 my good friend John Thornhill launched his VERY successful Masterclass Coaching Program where he took a handful of students and showed them exactly how to succeed online, step by step. The feedback I received from my referrals to this was awesome, so I know for a fact that it was an amazing success. Incidentally, he has a few spots open at the moment if you’re interested.

Then myself and John opened up to the public our Multi Profit Monthly, at first this was a monthly program we offered to Multi Profit Websites customers only, but it was such a great success, that we decided to let everyone in on it. In Multi Profit Monthly each month we reveal what is currently working for us online and provide a ton of content each month to help people succeed. We really enjoy creating the content for this every month, if you’re  a member then you will probably notice this.

February 2010 – My good friend Omar Martin, along with Mike Filsaime and J.I. Starr launched an excellent media product called VoxFlair, it basically provided people with a means to give their media that professional audio touch, we all know how important media it these days, so I thought that was really great.

Also that month I did something for the first time in my marketing career… I teamed up with John Thorhnill to promote an excellent coaching program by Jit Uppal and Adam Spiel called My IM Mentor, me and John wanted to give our subscribers the best possible deal they could get, so we teamed up and created a truly awesome bonus package to complement this.

March 2010 – The first thing that stood out for me in March was John Thornhill’s 72 Hours of Madness sale, it really was an AWESOME package that he put together for people, so as with any great product I compiled another great bonus, I basically offered to create a complete product for anybody who purchased through my link, I also gave resell, and giveaway rights with the product that I created, you can take a look at what I gave people here – No Hype Marketing. Continue reading Highlights of 2010 and $100 Gift for YOU!

Create a Brandable PDF for Viral Affiliate Income

Hi guys,

Firstly, let me apologize for my lack of posts recently. I’ve been concentrating on my Coaching and the launch of Free Monthly Websites 2.0, and to be honest, I just did not have enough hours in my day 🙂

Anyway, I’m going to try to make it up to you with some great posts that I have planned over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for my emails!

Today, I want to explain about creating a Brandable PDF, I’m even going to show you exactly how to do it in video:

Create a Brandable PDF

So what is a brandable PDF? Well, it’s basically a way for you to allow readers to re-brand certain links within a PDF with their own links. For example, you could let readers brand the document with their affiliate links, giving them a great incentive to share/sell the document and providing additional traffic to your website at the same time.

It’s win, win really, your reader gets an affiliate commission for any sales made from their affiliate links branded in the document, and you get the traffic to your website.

Creating the brandable PDF makes it VERY simple for anyone to brand multiple links within a document in just a few seconds, even if there are hundreds of links that require branding.
That’s the beauty of this method over editing a regular Private Label document, the links are already added and are usually directing to an excellent resource. So in just a few seconds you could have your very own document with hundreds of affiliate links inside.

It’s really easy to create your brandable PDF document if you use an excellent piece of software called Viral PDF, I would highly recommend the ‘Personal Edition’ as it is a lot simpler to create your brandable PDF’s and also a lot simpler for readers to re-brand the PDF’s too. There’s a free 30 day trial on the website if you want to try it, however, if you want to buy it then it’s $47 through clickbank, so you know you will have no problems if you change your mind.

All you need to do is to open up your PDF document with Viral PDF and it will automatically find all the URL’s within it and ask you which ones you would like to make brandable. You don’t need to do anything special to your PDF document at all, as long as you use the ‘Personal Edition’, it does everything for you.

The video shows you exactly how to create a brandable PDF, go watch the video and start making your own brandable PDF’s and hopefully you will start to generate a Viral Affiliate Income.

As usual, please let me know what you think, if you prefer, you can make use of the social sharing options below and above. 🙂
I hope this helps you.

Speak soon,


P.S. If you want to see what a few brandable reports look like then you can enter your details on the right sidebar of the blog and get 4 for free! 🙂

[Free Report] Online Marketing – The ‘REAL’ Truth

Hey guys,

I want to personally thank all of you that took part in my survey, some of the the results were real ‘eye openers’ to say the least!The_Real_Truth

I wanted to do a little more with the results than simply announce them, so I went ahead and wrote a report titled:
‘Online Marketing – The ‘REAL’ Truth’

Inside the report I have voiced my opinions on a few things, not only the results, but also what I REALLY think about some online marketers!

I also announce my latest creation in there, which has been a long time coming!

I would also love to hear your views on that too.

Please take a read of the report and feel free to hit me with your comments.

You can download the report directly from HERE.

I have also included some images and a web page that you can also use if you wish to give it away.

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the report.

Oh, don’t forget to hit the ‘retweet’ button at the top of the post too 🙂



P.S. If you would like to know more about my coaching then go HERE on  or after May 20th at 1pm EST and all will be revealed!