Tag Archives: add popup to blog

How to Add a Custom Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog

Hey guys,

I have had quite a few people ask me how to add a custom optin popup on a website or blog and have it effectively work, so I have created a short video with some additional screenshots that shows exactly how you can do this.

I’m sure we all know the importance of building a list, but just in case you don’t, take it from me, it’s VERY important! It’s also important to utilize every bit of traffic you receive to your website/blog, so if you have an optin form that is not grabbing subscribers attention, then that’s nearly as bad as not having one at all.

It really is very simple if you take my advice and use the Aweber method, also, once you have done it once you can use that template for other lists so it’s even easier.

I also managed to get a great deal for my subscribers only on a Super High Quality Image to attract those all important subscribers.

The reason I used a very large high quality image was quite simply to attract more subscribers, plus it is a lot harder to miss 🙂

Go and take a look at the video and see just how simple it is, please reply to the post if you found it useful.



How to Add an Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog

Links mentioned in video:

Aweber Autoresponder – Absolute essential if you want to succeed online!

GFX-1 Graphics – This is a special link for a high quality optin graphic, but there are many other great graphics on there, I use ‘Steve’ at GFX-1 for just about everything! Continue reading How to Add a Custom Optin Popup on Your Website or Blog