Category Archives: Money Making

Too Much Information … My Head is Going To Explode!!

I know from personal experience that ‘information overload’ can seriously set you back in business instead of take you forward!

If you find that you are spending most of your day being distracted by social networking sites, phone Information Overloadcalls, general web surfing, keeping tabs on what everyone else is doing, reading magazines or maybe just checking your emails every 10 minutes then your day could end up being very unproductive, even though you may think that you are actually working you are not really adding to the building blocks that will create your successful business.

Now don’t get me wrong here, yes, social networking is an important part of your business for traffic reasons, among others, and you need to answer phone calls and so on, but you need to define exactly what you ‘need’ to do and what is just eating into your time.

You will very quickly learn in business that your time is very precious and you need to use it wisely, so what you need to do is to ‘control’ your information overload and start doing the things that really count!

So what do you need to do?

Firstly, you need to eliminate all of the things you are doing that are not really necessary to building your business, this includes all the non critical information you get in emails, social networking, chatting on the phone and so on. If you find yourself spending a long time writing emails or articles then look at outsourcing the work at Elance or Scriptlance so you have more time to concentrate on building your business.
Continue reading Too Much Information … My Head is Going To Explode!!

What’s Inside The PLR Monthly Members Area?

So I have had a load of people asking me exactly just what is inside the PLR Monthly Membership area and basically, is it worth the cost, well I think you know what my answer is going to be here …

… Why don’t you take a look for yourself and make your own mind up!

PLRM Member Tour

I hope this has helped all you people who were a bit unsure to make your minds up.

I would like to add that we set out with this project aiming to give people high quality and excellent value for money, I think we have achieved this already, but we ‘aint gonna stop there!

We will continue to improve and excel in PLR Monthly as I do in everything I produce! 🙂

If you would like to take a look go here:

==> <==

As always, feel free to tell me just what you think.

Later ..


Here’s a Top Notch Traffic Video That will Make You Stop and Think!

I came across a really good video the other day that I think will give you all some insight as to what you need to be doing as far as getting traffic to your products, the video is free so why not just take a look, it’s excellent quality and professionally made, well worth a peek!

I really do believe that the techniques and strategies explained are sound methods of generating loads of traffic to your website or product!

Take a look and let me know what you think!


What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?

First of all let me say a big hello to all of my subscribers and readers, this is officially my first post in my new blog, everything you see before this one is from previous newsletters etc. to build up some great content to get things rolling.

I am going to try to concentrate on questions I get asked most, and of course, one of the most asked is:

What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?

I often get asked the question “how can I make money online”, the answer in short is to do a little work each day, creating, adding to and increasing your streams of income.

OK, so where can you get started creating these ‘streams of income’?

I have listed a few of what I consider the simplest and best ways for you to get started, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew, simply start with one method at a time and gradually increase after you feel you have completed one method to the best of your abilities.

Remember, these methods will possibly create you an income for many years to come, so keep that in mind when you are creating.

Continue reading What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?