Hey guys,
I have had quite a few people ask me how to add a custom optin popup on a website or blog and have it effectively work, so I have created a short video with some additional screenshots that shows exactly how you can do this.
I’m sure we all know the importance of building a list, but just in case you don’t, take it from me, it’s VERY important! It’s also important to utilize every bit of traffic you receive to your website/blog, so if you have an optin form that is not grabbing subscribers attention, then that’s nearly as bad as not having one at all.
It really is very simple if you take my advice and use the Aweber method, also, once you have done it once you can use that template for other lists so it’s even easier.
I also managed to get a great deal for my subscribers only on a Super High Quality Image to attract those all important subscribers.
The reason I used a very large high quality image was quite simply to attract more subscribers, plus it is a lot harder to miss π
Go and take a look at the video and see just how simple it is, please reply to the post if you found it useful.
Aweber Autoresponder – Absolute essential if you want to succeed online!
GFX-1 Graphics – This is a special link for a high quality optin graphic, but there are many other great graphics on there, I use ‘Steve’ at GFX-1 for just about everything!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
P.S. Don’t forget to reply and let me know if you found this useful, and remember, an in-effective/un-attractive optin is nearly as bad as no optin!
Hi Dave,
I was debating for a long time whether or not to use one of these on my site. I have used the slider on the bottom of my blog which I didn’t find too intrusive. Have you any data on how effective the pop up is at capturing visitors? Obviously you reckon its a good idea. Cheers for now.
Hey Clive,
Sorry, I don’t have any stats as such, but it defo increased subscribers for me.
Why don’t you try it without for a week then try it with for a week and get some stats based on your own traffic.
Hi Dave. Thanks for the reply. I think I will give it a try and test it ad you suggested and I will see if it makes much difference. Cheers.
Hi Dave,
Yes; I certainly found this Blog Post useful!
Thanks for creating such an interesting and easy to follow video. I have always wondered how to create large custom designed Opt-In Pop-Ups like this. Amazing!
Hey Ian,
I’m pleased it helped you!
Thanks for the reply.
Hi Dave
Great video… really clear and concise.
It has just come at the right time for me…just had a new optin designed by Steve @ GFX.
I was just in the process of deciding when to get it up on the site, so I had better get a move on and sort it out.
I just love it when you do the How to video’s, as things always slip your mind when it’s been a while.
Thanks Dave
Hey Zahid,
Cheers man, I’m pleased it helped you to decide π
Thanks for your compliments.
No probs man…keep up the great work.
Well done Dave. It just shows the full power of Aweber and what guys really do overlook.
Awesome video and super cool tip!! Will deffo be using it in the future π
Hey Dan,
Yeah, Aweber is a lot more powerful than people may think, cheers for the compliments buddy π
Hi Dave,
Now that’s a way to use an opt-in form to its fullest.
Very informative, I had been thinking of using a pop up form for a while now and know that Aweber offers them in different ways for one to use, but seeing how you’ve laid it out is now making me think of getting some proper graphic made with steve and going for it.
Good stuff Dave, always helpful with the videos.
Hi Eamon,
Yeah, go for it!
Thanks for your reply.
Damn – I just spent $37 on pop up domination… lmao
I hadn’t realised it was this easy with just the aweber form creator.
Hahaha Sorry I never got this out earlier Omar, been mega busy lately π
Lol me to man, me too!!
Absolutely, it’s useful Dave.
I shall be ordering some graphics first thing tomorrow and hopefully I will see my optins increase very soon. My normal optin that’s in place at the moment converts but not as much as i would like π
Kerry Russell
Hey Kerry,
Yeah, when optins aren’t working to their fullest, you are letting a lot of your traffic go to waste and it’s time to make some changes.
Keep changing, testing and tweaking!
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the great video. Of course, I found it useful. Keep them coming.
You’re very welcome George, I’m pleased you found it useful π
Hey Dave,
I’ve been thinking about using a pop up on my blog, and it’s looking you’ve just swayed my descision!
I think you’re right about the pop up giving you more success because of the in your face temptation, great to see the added graphical background, looks more professional than the default AWeber opt in form.
Anyway Dave love the post and its great to see the step by step video, more people can now jump on board with their own custom made pop up….Ed.
Hey Ed,
Thanks for your reply man, happy to help!
Thank You for putting up this video. You make it very easy to understand and followalong. I will be using this in the very near future.
Hey Jerry,
You’re very welcome, enjoy!
Hi Dave,
I’ve been meaning to find out how this is done. I see this type of thing on a lot of blogs. Thanks so much for sharing this powerful information and making it so simple to understand.
Terry Conti
Hi Terry,
You’re very welcome, thanks for your compliments.
Top quality video, Dave and you did a great job of explaining the steps!
I too am amazed by the power of Aweber, I’ve been using it for the last 3 years but still learned several things I didn’t know!
I’ve been using list crew to capture opt-ins on my blog and have found this so much more effective than my own opt-in form (list crew is a co-operative of IM blogs/sites so my opt-in appears on other sites within the co-operative in addition to my own)
Visit my blog to see it in action.
Keep up the good work!
Hey Stuart,
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Dave
Great Tip and very easy to follow.
You’re welcome James π
Hey Dave,
About time you did this video (I was one of the people that requested it ) and I can see already how powerful this is, I’ve already added my pop up to my blog and I’ll be teaching my students how to do the same by sending them here.
Great stuff mate.
Hi John,
Cool, I guess if you managed it then the video must have been easy to follow π
Hi Dave,
Awesome, detailed info! I too will be using this kind of opt-in form on my blog, as the one I have right now is static.
Thanks so much and I look forward to applying what I learned from your video.
Hey Michelle,
You’re very welcome, I’m pleased you liked it.
Great videos!! It helps a lot
Your video greatly encouraged me with a way to grow my list. Thank you for the very clear instructions which I’ve taken notes on. I’ll get it up and running as soon as my graphic is made.
Hi Dave
I noticed that while watching the video on the pop up optin that you were offering free ebooks to anyone the subscribes to your list, Could you tell us how to do this.
Hey George,
I’ve already covered that in a previous post, check it out here – http://www.dave-nicholson.com/blog/how-to-offer-a-gift-using-aweber/
Hope it helps.
Hey Dave,
Brilliant post….
I really needed this one!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!
Hey Remi,
Cheers, you’re very welcome π
Hey Dave, great post. Dead easy to follow and really informative. I followed your instructions and threw one at my blog. I had to play around with some of the Aweber padding options to get the input fields aligned (only becuase I wanted them in a slightly different position) but found it easy following your video.
Thanks for the tutorial
Hey John,
Cheers for the reply, I’m pleased it helped you π
Hi Dave, I have set this same type popup on my blog and so far it seems to be working very well. Your video explanation of it is really clear, I think everyone should try it out and test the results.
Cheers, Keith.
Hey Keith,
Cheers for the reply, I’m pleased it’s working well for you.
Yeah, good point there, everybody should test the results and see what works best with their subscribers.
I have always stayed away from pop ups. Basically because I hate seeing them myself, but if it works then maybe I have been missing out. I supose the truth is, that it pays to split test everything.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for explaining how to do this, I’m going to add it onto my to do list.
I’ve seen a couple of blogs with this kind of pop-up on and it definately stands out so has to be worth.
Thank you that you share with us this, Dave.
That’s good and Value Video, thank you for that. i must use this in my others pages.
Hi Dave,
I have your Free Reports, brandable reports. Now I must find some Idea how to do this all thing on my Blog or something else. I must look again your Valuable Video. Thank you for that.
Hi Dave
I am a fellow (an old one) student of Alex Jeffreys and am impressed with your Optin PopUp comments and will be looking for more info in the future. Please follow me back at my Blog.
Hi Dave
Thanks for a great video on the most important IM topic of all- and thanks for the
Gfx-1 tip too!
I’m impressed that you manage to reply to all the comments you get, too!
Hey Mike,
You’re very welcome!
I don’t always manage to reply to all, but try my best! π
Hi – this looks great Dave – will definitely be trying this. I particularly appreciated the clear, well set out instruction.
Best wishes
hi dave
this is a great idea ive been meaning to set something like this up but didnt knows how to thanks dave for the free infomation every step fall into place like you were standing along side me as your instructions are very clear to understand and i dont need to go over each step again as you ouline it to the tee
thanks again dave all your materiel are top noch just like the total web traffic
membership programme you wrote sometime ago thanks dave speak soon.
Hi John,
You are very welcome, I’m happy to help.
Thanks also for your kind words π
Thanks Dave,
I’m just going through Johns 1 Month Mentor program and setting up my blog and was having a problem getting the padding to work so steve sent me over to this post. It helped me get my popup working so thanks mate.
Very good blog by the way.
Lee McKenna
Cheers Lee, I’m pleased it helped! π