Do you or somebody you know play an instrument? Learning to play music is almost a human need. We all love to bang on pots and pans as we grow up, right? But soon we move on to more official instruments, hopefully
Did you know that the music instrument industry is really growing?
Link to statistics:
And did you know that a lot of the instrument sales are done online? And the good news is that a huge part of the online sales are actually done from the Amazon platform. You know Amazon, right?
Why is this good news?
Well, it is good news because anybody, including you, can get a piece of the action with an Amazon musical instrument store of their own.
How is that possible you ask?
It is actually quite easy to set up, by creating a web store filled with your affiliate links to musical instruments on the Amazon platform.
Now, if you don’t know what an affiliate link is, and you don’t know how to create an online web store with links to the correct products on Amazon – don’t worry – I have the perfect solution for you.
But, first a small introduction to affiliate marketing…
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is you earning a commission when you are promoting other company’s (like Amazon) products. Every sell is tracked in a special product affiliate link you get from the vendor. And when somebody clicks on your link and buys, the vendor pays you a commission.
How to get your very own Amazon Musical instrument Affiliate Store with your affiliate links on every product?
There are two ways (or actually there are three ways) for you to do this:
One is the you-do-it-yourself solution
The other is the done-for-you (business in a box) solution
And the third is a combination of the two, where you do some of the work yourself and outsource the rest to a web designer or a virtual assistant etc.
If you are a web designer, it should be fairly easy for you to design and program an online web store, go and find musical instruments on Amazon that is selling, get an Amazon affiliate links and populate the online store with those products – and making the store looking really nice
But, if you are really busy (like me) and don’t want to deal with all that hassle, you should check out a done-for-you solution right here:
Now, don’t get me wrong. Even if you are not currently a web programmer, you could go and learn how to set this kind of store up for yourself – just google “How to create an Amazon affiliate store”.
If you are anything like me I think you will agree that it would be very time consuming and a maybe a very steep learning curve. Luckily there is an easier way…
How to get an Amazon Store setup within an hour
If you would like to have your very own Amazon musical instrument web shop up and running within the next hour or so AND get it done for less than $10, you should go and check out the done-for-you, business-in-a-box solution right here:
I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you get hooked on the Amazon affiliate life waiting ahead.
This is a guest post written by Marlene Kristensen. If you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.