And The $100 Winner Is…

Hey Guys,

First let me say a huge thanks for all of you that shared your 2010 highlights with me.
I really enjoyed reading and replying to the comments, and mostly getting to know you a little more!
I thought I would create a little personal video of me doing the draw for the winner, I thought it would be more exciting πŸ™‚

You’ll have to watch the video to find out if you were the winner, don’t worry, it’s only 3 minutes long!

And The $100 Winner Is...

Please feel free to reply and I’ll personally get back to you.
Thanks again, and a big CONGRATULATIONS to the winner, I have just sent you an email πŸ™‚



19 thoughts on “And The $100 Winner Is…”

  1. DAVE, You have a spelling mistake on your last post. The title, “Winner” has 2 “N”s in it. You don’t have to post.Just letting you know.


  2. Congrats Arthur,
    Dave I’ve got to say you’ve got a great looking dog there, Holly. I have a yellow lab, Tammy that looks almost identical to her. John, great job with the camera.

  3. A big congratulations to you Arthur for winning the contest. I am wishing for more contests coming to us from this blog this 2011…more power!

  4. Congrats Arthur well done. And if you’re looking for something to spend your money on then I can recommend Daves “Your Software Website” Or you could give it to me lol
    Happy spending

  5. Hey guys,

    Can I just mention a little about Arthur Weber, as I think it’s great!
    Firstly, he’s the Charter President for his Lions Club and very active, secondly, he donated all his winnings to the club, a great gesture, for a great cause!
    I take my hat off to you Arthur. πŸ™‚
    If anyone else would like to donate to this charity, no matter how small, you can do so from here –

    when somebody donates with their names they get included in his Tarpaulin.

    He’ll also put the picture with the donors name on the Baguio Burnham Lions Club website:
    Everybody who donates can then view the proof that the donated money is used for Reliefs and Medical Missions.

    Congrats again Arthur!



  6. Congratulations Arthur and thanks Dave for giving something back to the marketing community, its nice to see that not all marketers just take.

  7. Hi Dave! What a great idea to do a review of the year. I also liked the idea of giving a prize to one of those who left you a comment. I just might use these ideas for the end of 2011.

  8. Hi Dave,
    Nice blog and a great idea to review 2010. I am aso a student of Alex jeffreys and look forward to be as creative as you certainly are.

    Good luck with your Online business


  9. Congratulations Arthur and well done for donating everything to the Lions Club. It’s nice to be in an Internet Marketing zone with other nice people. Ethical marketing has to be the way to go. I missed out on this competition Dave, but I shall return to your blog, I like it.

    Leamington Spa, England

  10. I have just discovered your blog. Your 2010 highlights was a great idea. I look forward to exploring your site. Thanks

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