All Work and No Play…Will Slow Your Business Growth!

Yeah, you read that right, all work and no rest can actually slow your business growth!

No matter how hard you seem to work, you just appear to be taking one step forward and two steps back. You either run out of time, ideas or quite simply get bored and your mind begins to wander!

Yet, you keep pushing yourself harder and harder as you see it as the only way out, and you absolutely do NOT want to fail!

Is this all sounding a little familiar?

Well, if it does, you are not alone!

Too many people are missing out on that one vital part of business that helps you succeed with EVERY part of your business and it is something soooo simple, yet often seen as a ‘waste of time’.

Quite simply it is called ‘taking a break’, take some time out from your every day routine to give your body time to re-charge the old batteries, so to speak!

You will find that when you return, you will be totally refreshed, full of creative ideas and quite possibly, have a whole new outlook on your business, that may have not been there when you were ‘stressed out’ and ‘running on empty’ before your break.

Now I’m not saying just drop everything and shoot off to a sunny island somewhere, try to plan your break around your business and take as little work with you as you possibly can.

For example, 2 weeks ago I went to sunny Cyprus with my lovely wife Katie and all I took regarding business was my iPhone, I was still able to send out an important broadcast from my iPhone, which you may have seen called ‘Mass Article Control

This was not planned or pre-loaded, just one of those ‘spur of the moment’ things that I thought would really help my subscribers, and from the feedback I got back, It really DID help a lot of people out!

Actually, I quite enjoyed writing the email, here is a pic of me actually writing it by the pool, and yes, that is my foot!

As you can see, it was hardly stressful!

So that’s the work part of my break out of the way, let’s get onto the fun part!

I want to say a very big THANKS to ‘Socrates Soratous‘ who took time out from ‘taking HIS break’ to come and visit me while I was there.

We had a great time chatting over a few cold beers and it was great to talk face to face with a TOP marketer that I have been in contact with for a long time.

Here is a pic of us both, I’m the sunburnt one! 🙂

During my ‘break’ I also found that I love water skiing(among other water sports), I have never tried water skiing before, or any kind of skiing for that matter!

Here’s a pic of me starting out on the side of the boat on a pole, expecting to be dragged along face down:

Well, in fact the very first time the boat took off I DID get dragged along face down! I was kinda expecting it to gradually increase speed, oh how wrong was I:

10 minutes later, I was hanging on for dear life by a rope at the back of the boat, but really loving it!

>>Take a look at the short video here <<

I know the video is quite short, but to be honest I was not skiing for that long as my arms were fading from what felt like being pulled along by a rocket.

Yes, I was a tad sore the next day, but thoroughly enjoyed it!

One last pic here is just a view from my balcony, which in itself I found very relaxing:

OK, so as I was saying at the start of this post, if you simply work yourself into the ground, it will not necessarily be beneficial, in fact it could really slow your business down.

Make sure you schedule some time off, no matter how busy you think you are. It does not have to be anywhere exciting, just away from work and relaxing.

Don’t be scared to ask for help if you need it, I personally had to ask my good friend Daniel Sumner to help out while I was away, even though he was outstretched himself at the time, he still made time for me. (Thanks Dan!)

You should know yourself when you are in need of a break, you may feel run down, tired, out of energy or even anxious or stressed, if you are, then it’s time for a break.

If you are just too busy, keep reminding yourself every single day that you need to shedule that break in, and don’t give up on yourself until it is set in stone.

I hope this post has helped you realize the importance of rest and taking a break and maybe even give you a little insight into my personal life.

Please comment below, I would love to see pics of  YOUR break, or it you just need to talk, say ‘hi’!

Talk soon,

Dave Nicholson.

124 thoughts on “All Work and No Play…Will Slow Your Business Growth!”

  1. Thanks Dave
    Great post, I was wonderin g if you have any ideas on “tips and tricks” I can use to my advantage, if instead of lacking in new ideas & creativity, which I like to believe I have a lot of, I lack in the “know how”, how to put it all together, like rules, laws and standards as well as the technical side, as far as working on the web? I would like to get into the buisness of blogs and as well as having my own website. Thanks again for that post and hope to here from you soon.

    Referred by Jason James via twitter.

    – Jerry Moore

    1. Hey Jerry,

      Thanks for stopping by!
      I suggest you partner up with somebody who has the skill you need and put both of your skills together, this is called a JV (joint venture).
      There are loads of good JV eBooks out there, try Joe Jablinski’s JV Source – Click here, or John Thornhill’s brand new JV Profits – Click here
      You could even request help on a forum like the Warrior Forum or simply send out a request on Twitter!

      Hope this helps.


  2. Hi Dave, looks like fun, thanks for sharing it.

    I’ve taken a leaf out of your book Dave and have created my very own ebook. It’s about easing the finacial squeeze that most people are under at the moment with the power of eBay. It shows you how to research the market on ebay, along with setting up a shop, sourcing the products to sell from it, tips and techniques for successful listing.

    Why am i telling you about it? You wrote me a testamonial for my sales page! “Thank you”. Well Dave it has now gone live and you can find it at:

    Thanks again for all the help and encouragement Dave, you’re a TOP MAN.

  3. Hi Dave

    I so know what you mean about taking a break – I started Alex’s course and two days later went to Majorca – but since I’ve been back I have been working flat out trying to catch up with everything I missed while I was away.

    So now I need another one! Will have to make some money first – so back to the keyboard!!! 😉

  4. Hi Dave,

    You are SO right. I went hot-air ballooning on the weekend and it was a great break.

    But… er… I did take my latest e-book to edit later that night. I… just… can… help… myself! LOL!

    I might get some pics and a video up on my blog later.


    Gary Simpson

    PS: Pauls (aka Paula Brett – I saw your comment @ #5 – that was most amusing to TGM)

    1. Hey Gaz,

      So that was you I saw flying over my house was it?
      No kidding, I really did see a balloon right above my house, looked kinda cool!
      As long as you find writing ebooks relaxing, I don’t see a problem taking them on your break dude.
      I’ll look forward to the pics! 😉



  5. Hi Dave

    This is a sweet blog, and I must agree I do need some time off after a couple of
    weeks on the computer almost non stop my brain is fried, just one day relaxing
    with a nice cigar really does wonders for my spirit I just got back from South Carolina
    I had the laptop so I got a little done, my wife kept telling me to get off the computer
    but it is very addictive.

    I just signed up for your newsletter looking forward to it .


    1. Hey Alexis,

      Yeah, I know it’s addictive stuff, especially when you are passionate about your work, like I am and sounds like you are too.
      But it would be much better for you (and probably your marriage :-)) if you didn’t take the laptop next time!

      Talk soon,


  6. Looks like you had a great time, Dave. I want to take a break too, but for now I guess it’s going to have to be in my back yard. Hmmm bring in a truckload of sand, fill up a wading pool…


  7. (Re 80 & 81) Speaking of which… Gene and Dave

    I had a guy come over the other day and fill a big hole in my back yard with water. I guess he meant well.

    Gary Simpson

    PS 1 – Dave, have you seen my latest Vegas video – IM Tips #5? – it’s worth a look – you’ll get a real surprise. LOL!

    PS 2 – Your answer to PMW’s question @ 63/64 sounds an awful lot like a no at this stage.

    1. Hey Gary,

      So you got a free swimming pool eh? Lucky bugger! 🙂
      I’ll go watch the video now. *Edit* Lol, just watched the video, looks like you really enjoyed mixing business with pleasure there! Stumped for words .. That’s not like you! 🙂
      Yeah, it’s looking that way at the moment buddy, you would not believe how much work I have planned for the next 4 months!

      Talk soon,


  8. Hi Dave,
    Tell me about it. I need a break right now. Ugh… I am just starting out and I am in from of the computer all the time. I am in Dean Holland’s, Starting with Marketing Academy and I have my blog up and running and working on filling it with content. I figure that I need to work very hard for a short period of time and enjoy the fruits of my labor for a long period of time. Thanks for the post and the pictures. That is motivating in itself.

    All the best,


    1. Hey Ed,

      I know exactly the situation you are in there, I’ve been there!
      Just don’t let things get on top of you too much, it may end up disheartening you and being counter productive!
      Pleased it motivated you tho, keep it up.


  9. Hei from Norway Dave,

    Love how your living the lifestyle and sharing it with the rest of us on your blog here.

    Will you share some of the details of how you did the collage of photos at the top of this post’s excerpt? (a grouping of smaller versions of the photos that then opened up to full size in the complete blog post)

    That got my attention.

    All the best to you and yours!

  10. Dave,

    Seems I missed out on the brandy session friday night….i love brandy !!!… Thought id best pop by and say hi, didn’t get chance to speak over the weekend… next time… See you at the bar!!!!


    1. Hey Richard,

      Sorry I missed you at the weekend, maybe catch you at the next event eh!
      Yeah, it was a bit chilly on the night time, so we err.. had to find some way of keeping warm whilst we were brainstorming! 🙂



  11. Hi Dave,

    Just saw these comments come through in my email – heh… heh…

    Re: #91 – I think you would fit in rather WELL at Las Vegas – you and me and Queen Pauls holding the fort (I mean the bar).

    Gary Simpson

  12. Hi Dave,

    I glad you took a couple of weeks, it really looks like you enjoyed yourself, thanks for sharing the photos. It made me think back to when I went to Mexico with my wife, yes very relaxing…

    I just wanted to comment on your post, this is the single most important thing you can do for yourself.

    I know it is hard, when I first started online there was absolutely no way I could go anyway without taking my laptop, not even to the washroom…

    Just kidding, but really if I went somewhere – what would I miss?

    Take a holiday, yea right…

    That’s like taking a teenagers cell phone away or moving to a remote island. Being cut off from the real world… how will I live?

    Well the first time was the hardest but what a great lesson I learned. Life goes on, traffic still flows, sales are made… amazing right???

    This year I took 3 week off. Yes I did take my computer but I am happy to say I used it 4 times in the 3 weeks we were away. 2 of those times were for the coaching calls and bonus module that Alex Jeffreys line up for us.

    Refreshing? YOU BET

    If you are strapped to your computer and can’t possibly leave, please do me a favor. Take 2 or 3 days and get away, OK 2 days – start off slow.

    Yes you can… You can do this, I promise.

    You will come back a better person and thank yourself later.

    Take Care and enjoy life

    Alvin Dawe

  13. Good looking blog, Dave. I agree that taking breaks helps clear the head. I just got back from the Great Smoky Mountains for a break from the same 4 walls and the same old routine. However, my break was for the PURPOSE of working, not getting away from work. You see, I have too many distractions at home so had to get away from the distractions. The change helped me alot. That just gives me one more incentive to make a go of this Internet Marketing…. so I can take multiple vacations each year. Yeah! That’s what I’M Talking About!!!


    1. Hey Dawn,

      Yeah, good point there!
      Sometimes you need to get away to concentrate if there are distractions at home.
      Basically, whatever help you work better with a smile on your face 🙂

      Keep up the great work.


  14. Internet marketing is very addictive and I believe even more so when you first start. I try to take breaks and always find my mind wandering to what I will do next when I am back online. I believe that if you set up specific tasks to complete then it its easier to take a break at the end of each. The trick is to choose these tasks such that you get some true sense of accomplishment when each one is done. This may also help you to be more focused on the tasks that are important and avoid doing too many extra things that are not important – time spent on those unimportant things could be your break time.

  15. Hey Dave,
    This is awesome and a great reminder for us all. I bet you posted those pictures just to get us to envy you right ? Well it works 🙂

    Another great thing to remember is to get off of the computer and interact with a group of like minded people. That way when you are online working your tail off marketing on the internet, you can be much more effective.

    I also loved your other posts (especially the free video opt-in pages).
    I recently came across your twitter dynamite while looking at twitter. First of all it looks awesome and second of all, I think I have the matching application to automate it all. Go take a look over at my blog and if you want to I’d be very happy to start working together.


  16. Hi Dave,

    This is the first time I have actually posted a comment on your blog, even though I have been following you for quite a while. I am a student of John Thornhill’s from his masterclass. 😛

    By the way I love the graphics Steve does. I have all of my graphics done with Planet Divinity. 😀

    It sounds like you had a well earned and very desirable break! This internet world is an amazing place, but can also be to our detriment if we don’t balance our lives in the process.

    I am SO looking forward to taking a well deserved holiday, when I can. At the moment I take my breaks from work by enjoying days at local craft markets with my little one. Not only do I spend time with my child out of the house, but you would be surprised at the ideas you can get from a farmers market.

    I hope all is great! 😀 And good to see you are back at work 😆

    Congrats on the successful launch of “Tweet Dynamite”

    Kind Regards

    Jacinta 🙂

    1. Hey Jacinta,

      Thanks for stopping by!
      I’ll pass your graphical comments on to Steve, he likes to get compliments! 🙂
      You’re dead right about balancing your life with your work.
      It sounds like you are in the right, what I call ‘mind set’, which is basically always having your mind open to new ideas, wherever you are!
      I personally come up with some of my best ideas while brainstorming with like minded people over a few beers! 🙂
      Thanks for your congrats for, it was an amazing success!



  17. Hi Dave,

    Just wanted to say Thank You! 😀 for the graphic background for my blog. I have fixed it.

    No Worries on the comments about Steve and the awesome graphics he has done for me. Most of the time I just given him such a broad description and say “I trust you”, and without failure he produces exactly what I had in mind! 😀

    Can relate to the ideas over a few drinks, but with little one in toe I don’t get to do that often. 🙁

    Thank you for all your advice on your blog and for all the help you have given to John’s students. You, Daniel and Steve and John and not to mention Paula ROCK!!!!! 😛

    Thank you for being a great teacher.

    Jacinta 🙂

  18. Dave

    Great blog post, it is often very understated about taking a break to refresh both body and mind. Whilst i am still relatively new to the IM game and soaking up everything I can like a sponge, i think its important to be able to step away and take a break to avoid overload.

    I actually find that my brain is usually racing with ideas and strategies and things to do, which I write down to turn into action on my return.
    Just need to get to that level where the breaks outweigh the ‘work’ and the lifestyle balance is perfect!!
    All the best


  19. Dave:

    Dude, you’re playing too much and working too little :)) – How do you keep up your ranking and all without posting a single new post since July?

    If I could figure that out I’d have more time to play myself


  20. Hey Dave, looks like you had a really great break away from it all.

    You hit the nail on the head with this post and taking a step back from your business for awhile can really help it grow.

    Working yourself into the ground and lacking concentration will never make you money, your work will become sloppy and the results will reflect that.

    When you feel you need to take a step back and clear your head then that is the best thing to do. Spend some time with your family or freinds, get out and about, it will do you the world of good and your business also.

    Take care mate,
    Michael Appleton

  21. Seems like Socrates has got it sorted. Who needs to go to a sunny island for a break when you live on one ! That’s basically one of the major attractions that internet marketing offers – being able to work wherever you like. And you demonstrated that by doing ‘a little bit’ of work while you were there. Good post and pictures.

  22. A time management technique does require a 15 minute break every hour of work. Based on that a fortnight break every six months should rejuvenate the dormant cells in the body….

  23. Dave,

    Ah the memories…Cyprus, beer in hand – I’ve worked there on a couple of occasions spending time in Troodos, Platres, Limassol. Great place.

    Are you planning on returning soon?

  24. Hi Dave,

    Great pic of you and Socrates! Two experts enjoying a good break-and the fruits of their labours …

    Thanks for great advice and great graphics


  25. I love your website! Great products and information delivered in a clean, concise manner. Multi Profit Websites looks like an awesome package and I plan to test it out as soon as I am further along in John’s Marketing Masterclass program.

  26. Hi there Dave!

    Wow! Have to say your title caught me by surprize!

    That is something I am still very guilty of…Work work work!

    Thanks for sharing. I will definitely look at my daily plannings and see where I can change things a little.

    Great photos by the way!

    Hope you had a great time.

    Keep up the good work.


  27. Dave,

    Those pics are looking like LAST year.
    Must be about time to take another break?

    All teasing aside, thank you for sharing.
    I helps to see what the possibilities of reward from the WORK could be!

    I also want you to know that all you guys are heros for us newbies.
    You are patient and helpful.
    You have terrific products too!

    All the best of everything to you!


  28. Hi Dave,
    I was browsing through your postings when this one grabbed my attention. I couldn’t agree more. Having my own business, I know that if I don’t do it, it won’t happen. But if I do it all the time, nothing else will happen, including my life! Maintaining balance is one of the biggest topics in the business world. Thanks for the reminder.

    Take care,

  29. Hi Dave,
    Talk about an “evergreen” topic. Here it is Memorial Day weekend in the States and I’m fretting about a plug-in!
    Thank you for your wisdom. It’s time to take a break, put some hamburgers on the grill and fuggeddaboudit. (that’s Brooklyn for ‘forget about it’)

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