… That’s the question I seem to get asked the most lately! đ
OK, so I may have been a little quiet, but it does not mean I was abducted by aliens or locked in a cellar, it simply means that I have been working really, really hard to devise a product that will greatly benefit my subscribers and potential customers!
What myself and Dan Sumner came up with is what we think, the best PLR resource on the planet!
Including content like – PLR eBooks, sales page templates, eBay copy and paste sales pages, mountains of 3D and physical graphics, articles, text tutorials, video tutorials, bonus items, special offer items, donations from some of the top marketers in the world and a whole lot more!
OK, so I may be a tad biased here, but hey, if you are a member of any of my other sites then you will know I mean what I say!
The site itself will not become live until 19:00 BST (14:00 EST) time on Friday the 1st of August, but I thought I would let you all in on it early, just in case you want to take advantage of our fast mover bonuses! đ
There is a special intro price and a fast action bonus for the first 100 subscribers (the fast action bonus BTW is a big one, $247 worth to be exact, it will be revealed upon launch!).
==> http://www.plrmonthly.com <==
Thank you for reading and feel free to reply!
To your success,
P.S. Remember, it will not be live until 19:00 BST (14:00 EST) on Friday the 1st of August and when it does go live the low price members and fast action bonuses will go FAST!