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Have You Been Abducted By Aliens?? …

… That’s the question I seem to get asked the most lately! 🙂

OK, so I may have been a little quiet, but it does not mean I was abducted by aliens or locked in a cellar, it simply means that I have been working really, really hard to devise a product that will greatly benefit my subscribers and potential customers!

What myself and Dan Sumner came up with is what we think, the best PLR resource on the planet!

Including content like – PLR eBooks, sales page templates, eBay copy and paste sales pages, mountains of 3D and physical graphics, articles, text tutorials, video tutorials, bonus items, special offer items, donations from some of the top marketers in the world and a whole lot more!

OK, so I may be a tad biased here, but hey, if you are a member of any of my other sites then you will know I mean what I say!

The site itself will not become live until 19:00 BST (14:00 EST) time on Friday the 1st of August, but I thought I would let you all in on it early, just in case you want to take advantage of our fast mover bonuses! 🙂
There is a special intro price and a fast action bonus for the first 100 subscribers (the fast action bonus BTW is a big one, $247 worth to be exact, it will be revealed upon launch!).

==> <==

Thank you for reading and feel free to reply!

To your success,


P.S. Remember, it will not be live until 19:00 BST (14:00 EST) on Friday the 1st of August and when it does go live the low price members and fast action bonuses will go FAST!

Here’s a Top Notch Traffic Video That will Make You Stop and Think!

I came across a really good video the other day that I think will give you all some insight as to what you need to be doing as far as getting traffic to your products, the video is free so why not just take a look, it’s excellent quality and professionally made, well worth a peek!

I really do believe that the techniques and strategies explained are sound methods of generating loads of traffic to your website or product!

Take a look and let me know what you think!


What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?

First of all let me say a big hello to all of my subscribers and readers, this is officially my first post in my new blog, everything you see before this one is from previous newsletters etc. to build up some great content to get things rolling.

I am going to try to concentrate on questions I get asked most, and of course, one of the most asked is:

What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?

I often get asked the question “how can I make money online”, the answer in short is to do a little work each day, creating, adding to and increasing your streams of income.

OK, so where can you get started creating these ‘streams of income’?

I have listed a few of what I consider the simplest and best ways for you to get started, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew, simply start with one method at a time and gradually increase after you feel you have completed one method to the best of your abilities.

Remember, these methods will possibly create you an income for many years to come, so keep that in mind when you are creating.

Continue reading What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?

Want a Totally Unique and Mega Responsive Way of Building a List?

How many times have you heard, “The money’s in the list!” It seems impossible to
browse an Internet Marketing forum or scan a list of “How To Make Easy Money”
articles and ebooks without tripping over that phrase ten times.
Well, the reason is … It happens to be 100% true!

Continue reading Want a Totally Unique and Mega Responsive Way of Building a List?

Five Steps to Finding a Helping Hand on eBay

If you want to find someone to help you getting started on eBay, there is an easy way to do it: find a mentor. An eBay mentor will guide you through the process of your first couple transactions, giving you hints and tricks that only the eBay professionals and top sellers know. Here are five steps to finding a great mentor that can help you through a difficult beginning on eBay.

Step One: Take a look at the eBay seller’s listings. By looking at eBay seller’s listings, you are going to get a good idea of who is a good seller and who isn’t. If you want a good mentor, you should be looking for someone who specializes on selling at eBay. This means that they won’t have an outside job, and can answer the detailed questions that you have easily. If you are going to go with a mentorship program that includes books and worksheets to do by yourself, you want to make sure that this program is going to be useful for what you’re selling.

Continue reading Five Steps to Finding a Helping Hand on eBay