First of all let me say a big hello to all of my subscribers and readers, this is officially my first post in my new blog, everything you see before this one is from previous newsletters etc. to build up some great content to get things rolling.
I am going to try to concentrate on questions I get asked most, and of course, one of the most asked is:
What are The Simplest and Best Ways to Make Money Online?
I often get asked the question “how can I make money online”, the answer in short is to do a little work each day, creating, adding to and increasing your streams of income.
OK, so where can you get started creating these ‘streams of income’?
I have listed a few of what I consider the simplest and best ways for you to get started, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew, simply start with one method at a time and gradually increase after you feel you have completed one method to the best of your abilities.
Remember, these methods will possibly create you an income for many years to come, so keep that in mind when you are creating.
1. Affiliate Marketing
Firstly, an affiliate is basically a person who promotes a product or service for a commission. There are lots of places that you can become an affiliate to, such as Commission Junction (CJ), Clickbank (CB), Regnow and are among the best, you can easily sign up for these and begin promoting in any way you can, one simple method is through your blog, simply post a new blog article relating to the product you wish to promote a few times a week, at the end of each article, remember to place your affiliate link that you acquired from the places listed above.
2. Provide a Service
This is a great way of making money online, simply offer your services to Internet Marketers.
Having special skills such as writing, people management, secretarial, graphic or web design will enable you to easily offer a service that many, many marketers are looking for, you may think that you do not have any skills as such but think hard at what you do every day, it may be that you answer telephone calls or answer emails for a living, these are much sought after skills for marketers wishing to delegate workloads. Try advertising your services in forums, blogs or social networking places like MySpace, FaceBook, Squidoo, Xanga, and FacePaint to start off. Start off with lower prices and gradually increase as your confidence does. There are also places that charge you a commission to place your services on their sites such as Scriptlance and Elance.
3. Social Networking
Another simple way that you can earn money through affiliate sales is to join some popular social networking websites like FaceBook, FacePaint , MySpace, Squidoo and Xanga, try to be as active as you possibly can and create as many pages as you can within the sites, use your affiliate links that you created as often as you can, obviously, keep the links relevant to your pages. Your social networking sites can also be linked within your blog, generating even more traffic. Your blog articles can also then be added to article publishing sites like Ezine Articles, Best Ezines and Go Articles, among many, however, the easiest option is to submit to multiple directories all in one go, from here.
4. Advertising
Here is a great and extremely simple method that absolutely anybody can use, if you already have your own website or blog then you can make additional income by selling space on your site to advertisements such as Google AdSense or Amazon.
You get paid when either a visitor clicks on the ads or purchases from clicking on your ads, simple, yet effective.
5. Create Your Own Product
Creating your own product is probably the most effective way of making money online, however, it is probably the harder option, yet, not as hard as you may think!
I personally think the hardest part about this is thinking of the idea! Once you have the idea you can just keep building your product gradually, try to think of something that nobody else has thought of, yet, will be extremely popular. A good example is my Digital Media Solution, if you remember a month or so ago eBay restricted digital downloads from their auctions, so I thought that people could do with some help getting their digital downloads onto digital media and at the same time make it all look more professional, I spent about a week creating the product and then launched it in Clickbank with phenomenal success, it instantly shot to the no.6 most popular search for ebay. Now everybody may not be skilled enough to make everything they need, so you may have to invest a little cash in order to make cash, a good sales page with good graphics and good wording is highly recommended.
These are just a few of many methods you can use to earn money online, I will add more soon. Now take one of these methods at a time and try to implement it as best you can, try to do as much as you can yourself, that way you will learn more and it will save you money.
A very good bit of advice I was once told by an expert was … ‘Many streams make a river’, imagine each money making idea as a stream and they are all filtering into one, your bank account … The river!
I hope this information helps you succeed, please feel free to reply.
Hey Dave,
‘Many streams make a river’
Very true. And for anyone too scared even to take the plunge into a stream, remember that many trickles make a stream. That’s all you need to start – a small trickle.
But if you’re thinking about finding the next million dollar winning product that will let you sit back and do nothing for the rest of your life, keep dreaming. For most people, real money is made a few dollars at a time, over and over and over again. The secret is to automate and repeat the process.
For some reason creating your own product is something that many people are scared off, yet it’s nowhere near as difficult as many beginners think.
The main thing to do is get started. You might fail, but guess what? If you don’t even begin you’ve already failed.
Hi Amin,
I could not have put it better myself, things really are not as hard as they look once you actually ‘take the bull by the horns’, so to speak! 🙂
I personally think that once you have made a mistake it is a lot harder to make the same mistake again!
Grab that bull! 🙂
Hi Dave,
Thanx for ‘reactivating’ your blog again.
Request: In one of your coming post, can you go into ‘creating your own product’ say small reports etc., in more details.
Would like to know and start doing that.
Well howdy Dave! I do have to say that the blog looks great, and I’ve now bookmarked it and will be back!
GREAT post too, and I believe #5 is very important! That’s why I’m working on one right now! HEHE
(And it is kinda quite hard to keep things from me, as I managed to join a few letters together and come to this blog from your Twitter hint!)
Hi Dave,
Congrats with your new blog!
Another way to make money online is article writing. Sure this is not the easiest way but doing some research on the net helps alot. Indeed as you say, “you need to take the bull by the horns”. Online money doesn’t come easy, you need to read, learn and duplicate.
Great First post Dave,
Like all newbies I’ve had my fair share of fear and failure but that hasn’t stopped me, its only making me stronger and smarter. I’ve grown and developed a long way since I started and most of it is just from reading through forums and blogs like this and asking questions. Don’t feel shy to ask – no matter how stupid you think it may be – its always better to get your doubts out of the way so you can move on…
Cheers and Success to All,
Multiple Streams of Income is an ideal business model for online marketer. Don’t put “all eggs into the same basket”.
Anyway “Focus” is the most important success key factor for online business. You need to focus on “one affiliate/income activities” before it’s success.
Affiliate marketing is the best model for the newbie. It’s free to join. Products delivery and customers services handle by affiliate provider.
To your success
Bryan Hee
Generate Huge Passive Income up to $4,500++
The simplest way to make money online is by “helping” other’s to “solve” their “problems”.
Free Website Buider to build your own website
Hi Dave,
I’m so glad you got your blog up because I know you’re a fountain of wisdom!
Keep those posts coming. 🙂
“Anish” Yeah, no problem at all, I have made a note in my ‘to do’ file!
“Mark” Cheers! Don’t forget to send me a link once you have completed it! 🙂
“Albert” Dead right! Use your skills and get paid at the same time!
“Cyrus” I admire your persistence and recommend to everybody .. Don’t give up!
“Byran” Yeah, I see what you’re saying there, ‘concentrate on one product at a time’ but I think for affiliate marketing it’s quit easy to create multiple links simultaneously.
“Anna” Great, if you are able to solve the problems! 🙂
“Peggy” LOL, I hope I can meet your expectations! 😉
As a retired teacher and an aspiring IM teacher currently, I can tell you that one of the most important things is to master the basics. A solid foundation will always support the building longer and better.
Practice, practice, practice. No skill can be learned by doing it one time. Continued expansion of those skills will make those streams much easier to navigate.
Carol Smith
Thanks for interesting and useful post. Everything was well taken.
Everyone and his dog has probably been introduced to these “basic”
on starting an online business
However, I want to make this request which is very relevant to your
post. The “would be” marketer is probably more concerned on other
problems like information overload, getting into focus, etc. Will you
consider blogging on this?
More success,
-Ding Arenal
Pitogo, 4308 Quezon Prov., Philippines
Hi Ding,
Yeah, good point!
I will make a post regarding this within the next week.
Thanks for your input,