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To Twitter … or Not To Twitter!

That is the burning question on so many people’s lips these days, and the answer, quite simply is … Tweet away!

If you still have not yet heard of Twitter, where have you been? Twitter is one of the hottest social networking sites around these days and it is getting bigger by the second.


What makes Twitter better than all the other social networking sites out there, you might ask, well, for one it is the preferred hangout for Internet Marketers. If you are in the business of making money online, like I’m sure you will be, then it makes sense to network with others that are in the same line of business. I’m sure you must know that the more exposure your site or product gets, the better chance you have of succeeding online.

Twitter’s simplicity to navigate and its ease of access also help make this one of my favorites. Creating your account is really simple. You can create your own Twitter account with nothing more than a username and a password, as soon as you have created your account and customized your profile you can begin following other people. To follow what a person is doing, all you need to do is to visit their page and click the follow button.

Try it now, create an account and then follow me here:

Continue reading To Twitter … or Not To Twitter!

How to Add an Optin Form Into Your Blog

Hey Guys,

I hope you all had a great Holiday, I took a little extended time off to myself so I could re-charge the old batteries, so to speak!

I have some amazing plans for this year, and I hope you all have made some plans too, give yourselves a goal to aim for! I always make my goals a little harder to reach, so I push myself that little bit harder.

One of my goals this year is to create more helpful video’s, so I can give all of you as much as possible to help you achieve your goals.

So, if you have anything you are struggling with, please contact me and I will try my hardest to get a video done for ya!

This post is one of my most requested believe it or not! A lot of people are really struggling to get an optin form on their blogs.

Take a look at the video I have created which will show you exactly how you can add an optin form to your blog, even if it will not fit in a widget.


Continue reading How to Add an Optin Form Into Your Blog

Too Much Information … My Head is Going To Explode!!

I know from personal experience that ‘information overload’ can seriously set you back in business instead of take you forward!

If you find that you are spending most of your day being distracted by social networking sites, phone Information Overloadcalls, general web surfing, keeping tabs on what everyone else is doing, reading magazines or maybe just checking your emails every 10 minutes then your day could end up being very unproductive, even though you may think that you are actually working you are not really adding to the building blocks that will create your successful business.

Now don’t get me wrong here, yes, social networking is an important part of your business for traffic reasons, among others, and you need to answer phone calls and so on, but you need to define exactly what you ‘need’ to do and what is just eating into your time.

You will very quickly learn in business that your time is very precious and you need to use it wisely, so what you need to do is to ‘control’ your information overload and start doing the things that really count!

So what do you need to do?

Firstly, you need to eliminate all of the things you are doing that are not really necessary to building your business, this includes all the non critical information you get in emails, social networking, chatting on the phone and so on. If you find yourself spending a long time writing emails or articles then look at outsourcing the work at Elance or Scriptlance so you have more time to concentrate on building your business.
Continue reading Too Much Information … My Head is Going To Explode!!

How to Offer a Gift Using AWeber

Firstly, I hope all you from the US had a great Labor Day while I was stuck here at work in the UK! 🙂

Today I thought I would create a small video explaining how to simply use AWeber autoresponder to offer a gift to your potential subscriber.

The main reason I made this video was because it was the most requested help topic that I had over the last month or so, it is quite a simple video that pretty much anybody can follow, I know there are a lot of you out there struggling to get to grips with the whole list building thing, so I spent quite a bit time lately trying to help out as much as I can and I will continue to do so for a few more weeks.

Offer a Gift with AWeber

I also spent a bit of time lately creating a site called Squeeze Page Templates, this is just another of the tools that will help you with list building, I also included a ‘Master Resale Rights’ version that you can get, so you can not only sell the package but also offer resale rights with it and make money while building your list!

Anyway, enough of that, the main thing I wanted to show you today was the Aweber video. 🙂

Let me know if the video is any help to you and I will try to do a few more over the next few weeks.


What’s Inside The PLR Monthly Members Area?

So I have had a load of people asking me exactly just what is inside the PLR Monthly Membership area and basically, is it worth the cost, well I think you know what my answer is going to be here …

… Why don’t you take a look for yourself and make your own mind up!

PLRM Member Tour

I hope this has helped all you people who were a bit unsure to make your minds up.

I would like to add that we set out with this project aiming to give people high quality and excellent value for money, I think we have achieved this already, but we ‘aint gonna stop there!

We will continue to improve and excel in PLR Monthly as I do in everything I produce! 🙂

If you would like to take a look go here:

==> <==

As always, feel free to tell me just what you think.

Later ..
