7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using High Quality Graphics

Hey guys,

In this blog post I want to highlight something that far too many people are MISSING OUT ON!

As you may have guessed by the subject, it is of course USING HIGH QUALITY GRAPHICS!

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘”A picture paints a thousand words“, so why are so many people still missing out on this?

Let me highlight just a few ways that high quality graphics can help you…

1. Using high quality graphics on a product sales page – I’ve seen this time and time again, where people use low quality, poor, unrelated, distorted or over sized graphics when selling a product. If you initially look at a page and it reflects low quality and unprofessional design, then before you even read a word on the page you instantly think the product itself is low quality and unprofessional, even if it’s the best thing since sliced bread!

2. Using high quality graphics on a squeeze page – The same applies to your squeeze pages as on your sales pages, if you’re using low quality, poor, unrelated, distorted or over sized graphics on your squeeze pages to hopefully build your list, then potential subscribers are put off before they even see what they get in return for opting in. All your traffic generation efforts are being wasted if the page does not attract their optin.

3. Using high quality graphics in your product itself – If your product itself stands out from the crowd and looks awesome, customers instantly feel assured that you have spent an equal amount of time with the actual product, making it better for you and better for them too. Plus, all your promotional tools that relate to it will also look great too, generating a lot more sales and attracting a lot more affiliates to promote it!

4. Using high quality graphics in social media – Here’s a question for you, if you see a text link on Facebook and you see a really nice picture, which would you be attracted to? I know the images get me every time, that’s one of the reasons Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site in the world at the moment!

5. Using high quality graphics in promotions – This is another thing that I have personally tested extensively, trust me when I say this works like 20x better than regular text or poor quality graphics. I’ve used this time and time again and PROVED it generates many, many more affiliate sales.

6. Using high quality graphics in your videos and presentations – You know how big videos are at the moment, so why go to all the trouble of creating a great video, only to cheapen it with poor graphics! Create the video in high resolution (960×540) with high quality graphics and you will then have a lot more options with it. You can always reduce sizes without losing quality, but never increase without losing quality!

7. Using high quality graphics to theme your sales pages, squeeze pages or promotions on a particular time of the year – Let’s take Christmas as an example here, how many times have you seen big companies and big marketers put out a ‘Christmas Sale’ or ‘Christmas Special’, there’s a very good reason for that and it’s because at that time of year sales are boosted DRAMATICALLY, so it makes sense to grab a hold of some of that MASSIVE TRAFFIC. The same applies to any special event throughout the year.

NOTE* This is also a very IMPORTANT point to note when hosting ANY graphics, or ANY website for that matter… USE A GOOD QUALITY, TRIED AND TESTED WEB HOST like BlueHost, a website is only as good as the host it resides on!

If you want to take advantage of using the ‘time of year’ graphics then I have a special treat for you, this has not even been released yet, it’s a ‘CRACKING’ package of BRAND NEW Christmas Minisite Templates.

I would also suggest you grab all your custom designs from the same place as me and many others… GFX-1.

If you just need images to add to videos and posts etc. then I would very highly recommend you get them from a ‘trusted’ source like Fotolia.

I really hope this post has helped you understand the IMPORTANCE of using HIGH QUALITY GRAPHICS.

Please share your love with the social sharing to the left and below if you liked this post, and please let me know your comments too.

Have a great Xmas guys.



18 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using High Quality Graphics”

  1. Hi Dave

    Definitely quality all the way when it comes to graphics.

    Steve at GFX-1 is one of the best for creating lovely looking graphics that will attract more sales.

    Graphics were always a strong point for me when it came to putting my products together…and when I can’t find the time to create them, Steve’s the first call on my list.

    Yeah we’ve heard it time and time again, pictures do paint a thousand words. Good reminder Dave.


  2. And another reason is to save yourself the hassle of trying to explain you got the graphics from a plr pack off a marketing forum – when faced with a

    “We don’t care – they’re copyright and you owe us $135 now!”

    message from the copyright holder!

    Just had one from an old site I’d forgotten about… not a nice piece of mail to arrive!

    Thank fully all my latest sites have fotolia images or Steve at GFX-1 did the graphics ๐Ÿ™‚

    Randy Smith recently posted..Your Free Weekend Download As Usual, + A PLR OfferMy Profile

    1. Hey Randy,

      Yeah I actually saw your email about that, maybe that’s what sparked me to write this!
      You’re dead right mate, never trust packages of plr, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!
      When using graphics get them from a trusted source!
      Cheers for your comment mate, we’ll have to catch up soon.



  3. Dave, I 100% agree. Good graphic is selling much better than the bad/wrong/ cheap one. If you are not a designer, why not to outsource? You will save a time for better activities. Your customers know rigth away how much time or money you spent on your design…You can not cheat here.
    Eddie recently posted..Body Language โ€“ SummaryMy Profile

    1. Hey Eddie,

      Yeah, I just said pretty much the same to Barry, why mess around for hours when there’s a million and one other things to do.
      Plus, they never look as good as Stevie’s too ๐Ÿ™‚



  4. Hi Dave,

    You said it all when you said “A picture paints a thousand words”. As we make our way around the internet, seeing blogs and products offered we all notice the graphics straight away.

    Some people have the wrong idea and think they need to know how to create everything we need to build any form of business and go about trying to create their own.

    Some are very good at it, whilst others aren’t so fortunate… and I’ve seen both on a regular basis.

    Poor graphics are an instant turn off and won’t entice anyone to follow your links, yet still people try and create them.

    I see it this way Dave, I’m crap at them so why waste my time trying to sort them out when I can outsource it and get on with something I CAN DO WELL.

    I have always used, and always will use, GFX-1. Steve has a knack of knowing exactly what i want and delivers every time. I have on occasion asked him to change something around and he’s always done so.

    Normally i get my graphics back by the following day, be it ebook cover, mini site or headers, banners you name it and Steve delivers it super fast.

    He gets my vote EVERY time ๐Ÿ™‚

    Barry Wells recently posted..Promote Yourself and Your BlogsMy Profile

    1. Hey Barry,

      Well I’m actually OK at creating graphics, but I still get Stevie @ GFX-1 to do all mine too.
      The way I see it is I am losing money spending hours messing with graphics when I could be doing something a lot more productive!
      Cheers for your great comments, as usual.



  5. Hi Dave
    Yes – absolutely agree. Your advice definitely makes sense and will inevitably help create a “sticky” blog for any blog-writer.
    I use Steve at GFX-1 and have always been impressed with his work and after-sales support.
    D-I-Y can take time, produce an inferior result and cost more money in the long-run. I say this from personal experience.

  6. Hey Dave,

    Thanks for the great article post on good graphics. Your right about doing your own it takes forever! and it donโ€™t turn out like Stevieโ€™s ,

    So I just delete my not so good-looking self-made attempt at graphics. Even though I think it a lot of fun trying to make a graphic .

    There are a lot of other things to do like going to the train station and picking up the lost Dan Sumner !good job Dave

    zora recently posted..Can You Guess Who The Famous Person was That Said This?My Profile

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