Ok, with the recent launch of Omar and Melinda’s AWESOME Buzzinar, I thought I’d write a post that basically explains a little about sales funnels to show you why they are so important and how they can build you Ever Growing, Evergreen Income Streams!
So where do you start?
First, you need to understand that a sales funnel is more like an ongoing process of turning your leads into buyers, rather than simply buying or not buying whatever it is you are offering.
For example, let’s say you are selling a product/service, without a funnel in place your prospect will either buy or not buy and that’s where it ends!
However, if you do have a funnel in place that is only the beginning, for the same amount of traffic you are going to get a LOT more return for your efforts.
Here’s an example of a funnel you could initiate that will DRAMATICALLY increase your conversions:
1. Rather than sending your traffic to a sales page you could send them to a squeeze page, possibly offer a free gift that is related to your product/service in return for their name and email. This gives you the opportunity to sell to your prospect at a later date, possibly multiple times. So even if they don’t buy today you have the chance that they will at a later date.
Be sure to only ever offer high quality gifts, we’ve all got far too much crap on our hard drives! 🙂
2. Now you can send your leads to your sales page for your product/service, they still can only buy or not buy, but this time if they don’t buy you still have them on your list, so you can possibly sell to them again at a later date.
3. If your prospect does buy, you can now offer them a higher priced second offer (this is an upsell), products/services that are related to your initial product work best, possibly an upgrade or advanced version.
4. At this stage you could possibly add another third offer if they purchase your second offer.
5. If they decline the higher priced second offer then you can now offer them a lower priced offer from that page (this is a downsell), again, keep this related to your initial offer, possibly a reduced/lite version.
6. Once your prospect has purchased, be sure to add them to another list, this is your buyers list, the most important list you can have!
7. You can now possibly add more offers in your autoresponder follow up messages, here’s a few ready made messages you can use.
If you follow these steps to initiate a Sales Funnel then you will increase your sales/optins exponentially.
Of course this is just one way you can initiate a sales funnel to DRAMATICALLY increase your conversions, if you are going to initiate your own sales funnel, then the best advice I can offer you is to grab Omar and Melinda’s Buzzinar, this gives you everything you need in simple to follow, step by step videos, as well as loads of ready made HTML templates, WordPress themes and plugins that will make your life a LOT simpler with sales funnels!
In fact it’s that good I even offered a MASSIVE bonus for anyone who grabs it from my link, check it out here.
I hope this helps you understand the IMPORTANCE of sales funnels.
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