As you probably already know Multi Profit Websites (MPW) launches on Tuesday the 27th of October.
Myself and John Thornhill have spent almost 3 years and well over $100,000 developing this product, that we hope will help all you guys out there that struggle to create your own websites.
Multi Profit Websites really is the website anyone can build, without any previous skill or knowledge in 3 easy steps.
We started pre-launch last week and if you haven’t seen our first video you can check it out here:
In that video you will find out how John and I got started and also how powerful MPW really is!
Since we launched that video we have had a ton of questions.
Here are some of the most common questions that we have had, If you have a question please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you.
Q: Is there a limit to how many websites I can create?
A: No, with our multi user license you can create as many websites as you wish. In fact we encourage you to create as many websites as possible. After all it is possible to create a niche website in well under 30 minutes so you have no excuse for not creating hundreds of sites.
Q: Who hosts the sites?
A: You do, they are your sites and we want you to have full control, this means you host all of the sites you create yourself. Don’t worry if you’ve never hosted a site before as we show you exactly what to do.
Q: How will I generate an income from the websites I create?
A: With Multi Profit Websites it is possiblle to generate an income from the best performing affiliate programs such as eBay, Clickbank, Amazon, Google, Commission Junction and/or a selection of pre selected website affiliate programs (fully customizable) and any other website affiliate programs or your own products. You can even sell your own eBay products from your website! However, the beauty of MPW is you can add/remove as much content as you wish so you really are in full control. Unlike other website builders you are not tied down to one specific affiliate program. In fact if you wish you can remove every affiliate program and just build a content website. It’s up to you. Continue reading Multi Profit Websites – Your Questions Answered!