My name is Stuart Turnbull and today I’d like to share my story of how and why I switched my eBay business to Etsy.
I started selling on eBay way back in 2004 and found it to be an exciting and lucrative income stream. I loved connecting with buyers from around the world and watching my auctions fly to unbelievable prices as the bidders fought over my items!
I’m sure you remember how much fun it was selling on eBay back then before they decided they needed to move towards the Amazon business model and in doing so they alienated small sellers like you and me.
A gradual decline in my sales followed as eBay became dominated by the big retailers.
Never ending rule changes and fee increases plus the introduction of the Cassini search engine which tended to hide small seller’s listings led to my decision to look for an alternative platform to sell my items. (BTW I sell vintage book prints – you can read more about my business here).
At the back end of 2013 I decided to open a shop on Etsy and I began by listing my items simultaneously on eBay and on Etsy.
The results of this experiment shocked me – my new Etsy listings began to sell almost immediately and soon outpaced my eBay sales by 10 to 1 – my decision was a simple one – I closed down my eBay business and moved it lock, stock and barrel to Etsy!
You may have considered Etsy yourself but been put off thinking the platform is exclusively for handmade goods – this is absolutely NOT the case.
Etsy is indeed the world leading platform for handmade but it is also a vibrant and rapidly growing marketplace for vintage (anything 20+ years old) and craft supplies (anything that can be used to create handmade items).
In fact, Etsy has a buzzing marketplace for digital products – they even host your digital products free of charge! – do you remember the good old days on eBay before they banned digital goods?
Etsy is so much SIMPLER than eBay – with no selling restrictions on new sellers and just one site providing world-wide exposure. There is just one set of selling fees regardless of what you sell and these fees work out 80% CHEAPER than eBay’s!!
Today I make multiple daily sales and the great buyer/seller interaction makes it feel like eBay did a decade ago!
If you have yet to try Etsy for yourself (or you have opened your Etsy shop with limited success) I am more than happy to hold your hand and teach you the ropes – I have learned lots of tricks and techniques for growing a successful Etsy business over the last few years and I’d love to share them all with you – CLICK HERE to find out how you too can put the fun AND profit back into your online sales – and as a special ‘THANK YOU!’ for reading this post I have created a limited time coupon code to give you HALF OFF my course!
Please use the code – ‘halfprice’ at checkout.
Here’s to a successful online future for us all!
Stuart Turnbull
This is a guest post written by Stuart Turnbull. If you’d like to be considered for a guest post contact me.