Tag Archives: make money with plr

Make Money FAST With Your PLR Material!


Hey guys,

First of all, let me wish you all a FUN and Happy Halloween πŸ™‚

I wanted to share with you something that myself and Danial Sumner have been working on for a while now and we’ve just released it as a VERY special offer.

Over our extensive years as PLR publishers (I won’t say how long, but it’s loooong time :-)), one question we get asked regularly is “What’s the Simplest and Fastest way that I can Utilize my PLR material to start Making Money Online?”

In fact, we got asked this question so much that we decided to create a SIMPLE to follow 12 Part Video Course that explains EVERYTHING that you need to do, step by step!

Here’s a few highlights of what this AWESOME PLR Training Course provides:

Getting Your Sales Pages Ready to Sell.
It’s good to have a professional in your corner especially when it comes to creating sales pages. In the video you will be shown exactly what to do and how edit and upload your sales pages to get them ‘Sales Ready’. This training has massive value for getting your products ready.

Making Your PLR Content Unique.
Making your content your own is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. It’s also a great way make an income from product and affiliate advertising. In this amazing training video you will be shown just how to make your PLR content your own to improve your income and also your professionalism.

Making Auction Ready Sales Pages.
In this video you will be shown how to add your sales pages to auction websites to earn an income from selling physical information CD’s and DVD’s. Selling digital information in this way can create a great online income and have huge mailing list and affiliate income potential.

CD and DVD Conversion.
Yes, it’s that simple. We will show you how to create your own media CD’s and DVD’s to sell anywhere! Not just auction websites. Anywhere you can sell physical goods you can sell CD’s and DVD’s to create an offline income.

Utilizing PLR Articles.
In this video we will show you the very best ways to utilize your PLR articles, making them REALLY work for you in the fastest and simplest ways possible.

Creating a Mini Course With Your PLR.
Email mini courses have been around for a long time and they work just as well now as they did in the past. Why? Everyone loves free content and a free informative mini course is still a great way to reach your audience no matter what niche you are in. In this video we will show you exactly how to reach those niches and create your own killer mini courses.

Creating a Free Report With Your PLR.
Making money from PLR is not just a case of selling an eBook! It’s what you do with the whole content package that matters. By syndicating your content to more than one end, you can increase your revenue substantially! In this video we will show you exactly how to create a cut down report which you can use as leverage to drive sales and traffic to your main offer.

Converting Your PLR Into Articles.
Article marketing isn’t as great as it used to be, but converting your PLR to articles still has great value. Inside this video we show you how you can use your articles to your advantage and still make them count.

Creating an Offer For Facebook With PLR.
In this video we show you how you can utilize the power of Facebook pages to add a free offer for visitors to download. This technique alone can create a ton of traffic back to your chosen offers, allowing you to maximize sale potential.

Using Social Media With Your PLR.
Social media is the hottest place online at the moment to connect with people and find traffic. By utilizing your PLR in the ways we teach you in this video, you can create instant content and become an instant expert in your chosen niche.

Using PLR to Create a Niche Blog.
Sometimes there is a need for instant valuable content. By using PLR articles within your own websites and blogs you have the ability to create instant value and information for your readers. In this video we will show exactly how to extract and build your own killer content without typing a word.

Bundling Your PLR Into Packages.
We’ll show you the very best and most effective ways that you can package your PLR material into larger packages to increase your subscribers and earn a much larger income.

Money Making Tips and Tricks.
As well as the training we will also supply you with some great money making tips and tricks along the way. It’s these golden nuggets of information which will help you get the most from your PLR and earn you a fantastic income for a long time to come.

So as you can see, we have covered EVERYTHING, and as we ALWAYS try to help you guys out in EVERY way possible, we also made the price a CRAZY $9.95 for a limited time ONLY.

Check out the video on the page and see all the details here.

But remember, the price will start to increase when the timer ends, so act FAST if you wanna start MAKING MONEY FAST! πŸ™‚



P.S. Please feel free to comment, share this post, and also share your scaaaary Halloween pictures or scaaaaaary Halloween stories too πŸ™‚