My Favorite Darth Vader Quote…
“When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master.”
6 years ago, these words would have left me feeling reluctantly incapable. I had never touched a computer or been on the internet and I definitely knew nothing about Internet Marketing! Then I put on my research hat and decided that not knowing just was not good enough for me, anymore. Today, I feel that the learner in me can qualify to advance to teacher. This is what I feel any Internet Marketer should know…
First and foremost, if you want to work online, take yourself seriously. Work for you better and harder than you would for any other employer. Make a schedule, put in the hours and hold yourself accountable. Set some goals and don’t let anything get in the way of completing each task towards those goals. Find a mentor or a coach who can guide you through the steps to success.
Secondly, expect to invest into your business and education for your chosen niche. Be serious and become as competent in the field as you can be. Learn from others and pass on what you learn. Pay it forward, helping everyone along the way.Buy tools and software that can make your work easier or time-saving, and even learn how to outsource jobs that can be done by someone else.
Most importantly, do not be scared to fail! This is how you become stronger and more knowledgeable in many other areas that help you succeed. Do not compare yourself to anyone you perceive to be better than yourself. You have your own skill set which will be valuable to someone. The best qualification you can have as an employee of your very own business is to never ever quit. Success is always right around the corner…lol.
In order to master your business you must create a step by step system that you can complete over and over again, creating success modules that walk you up each level of achievement. Before you know it, you are successful…earning an income…and teaching others. When you have enough time and money on your hands that you can affect the world for the better, this is when you know you have accomplished Mastery!
Sherry Hamilton