If you want to find someone to help you getting started on eBay, there is an easy way to do it: find a mentor. An eBay mentor will guide you through the process of your first couple transactions, giving you hints and tricks that only the eBay professionals and top sellers know. Here are five steps to finding a great mentor that can help you through a difficult beginning on eBay.
Step One: Take a look at the eBay seller’s listings. By looking at eBay seller’s listings, you are going to get a good idea of who is a good seller and who isn’t. If you want a good mentor, you should be looking for someone who specializes on selling at eBay. This means that they won’t have an outside job, and can answer the detailed questions that you have easily. If you are going to go with a mentorship program that includes books and worksheets to do by yourself, you want to make sure that this program is going to be useful for what you’re selling.
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